I've been hearing a lot of good things about neon polishes lately, so when I saw Dude Blue by Milani, I knew I had to try it! I got one other in this particular line, and will definitely be going back for the rest. I really never expected to like the neons, thinking they would end up being far too bright against my very pale skintone (and maybe a yellow would be. That's never been my colour), but I love this! Every time I look at my nails with this on, the glossy finish and vivid colour makes me think of jellybeans (which, since we are having an Arctic end to the winter, makes me feel a little less cold and a little more Spring-y).
The application was fantastic. I've seriously never had an easier time with applying polish than I had with this. I'm not sure if I'm just getting better at it, or if the brush on this thing is magical, but it was almost a 1-coater. I only needed 2 coats for it to be completely opaque over my nail tips (hate having that pesky whiteness peeking through, it's like a panty line on my nails!). I accidentally dragged a little bit of polish when I brushed against something before the 2nd coat was completely dry, but the formula on this polish is excellent...it was just the right consistency that I could easily pat down and push the polish around until I had basically filled the snagged spot back into place. You can only tell if you are REALLY looking very closely. I have never been able to do this before with a polish; normally I would have had to just put another coat on or remove everything on that nail and start over. Not sure if this is the way of things with ALL neons, or if this bottle, again, is just magical. Either way, I adore it, and if you are looking for a fun set of neons for Spring/Summer, or to cheer up the rest of your Winter, I would definitely look out for this set by Milani.
(Side note, I don't know that this polish will last very long on the nail, since I am already seeing a little tip wear, and I've only had this on since yesterday. I still think it is worth it, though.)
Where I Got It: Walgreens
How Much: about $5
(Another side note, I'm sorry again about the blurry photo! I don't know what is going on with my camera, but lately all it wants to focus on is the background, and it never used to do that. I didn't have time to play around with it since I didn't want to be late for classes this morning, but I promise once I have a chance, I will replace these pictures. Looking at them makes me feel like I need glasses, so I'm sure you guys would appreciate clear photos, too, haha. Please bear with me!)
Rad Purple is my favorite neon from this line. I do wish the bottles weren't opaque; I like to be able to see the polish itself and how much I have left.